Mom is Going Back to Work!

March 30, 2010 at 7:35 pm Leave a comment

Let’s face it, you HAVE been working since you have been staying home with your kids, just not getting paid for it, right?? Too bad most employers don’t consider the amount of organization, multi-tasking, and disciplining you have done over that time as “real” work experience. Getting back to being employed and paid can be tough for stay-at-home moms. Some tips for getting in the door include:

-Take some time to think about what you really want to do. You don’t have to go back into the same job that you were doing before, and chances are your priorities have changed. For instance, you might have been a traveling salesperson before but that type of schedule may not work for you now that you have children. Check out some books with career inventories or visit with a career coach to focus your job search.

-Do volunteer work. This is an opportunity to get you out of the house and help you to sharpen up your business skills. You may also make some valuable connections volunteering that will help you in your job search.

-Identify the industries you want to work in and make a list of companies in your area that you would want to work at. Utilize your network through friends, family, and others to make personal connections with people at these companies.

-Take some relevant professional training courses. Many moms feel out of touch with what the latest technologies are-don’t let these doubts hurt your confidence-get up to speed!

-Network, network, network!  Your ability to make connections is what is going to get you in the door, and no one does it better than stay at home moms!

Entry filed under: career, career change, career transition, job search, Uncategorized. Tags: , , , , .

What is a “Top-Grading” Interview? It’s a tough market out there..

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